More fitness photography from last year’s photoshoot for CW-X Compression Gear
Here are some of the images from our last photoshoot for CW-X Compression Gear that we haven’t been able to post until now. With fashion, fitness, activewear and any other apparel shoot there is usually a six month to one year lag between the time that we shoot and when the line actually rolls out. As such, we have to sit on the images until the line goes live. In this particular case however, these specific pieces were never put into production so I finally got the go ahead from Karina Connelly (CW-X amazing Brand Manager) to run these shots. I am really happy to be able to finally run these as I think a few of them are among the very best in the entire advertising campaign.

This shoot took place over two days at two different locations. The first day we shot at the San Clemente Beach Trail in San Clemente, CA and on day two we shot at Tuxedo Studios in Los Angeles, CA. As always, my Southern California crew; Tom Cisneros, Matt Davis and Elleveesa rocked the shoot and made my job extremely enjoyable.

Tuxedo Studios is an amazing space to shoot at and the owners are a real pleasure. The space is huge (you could potentially shoot a semi in there if the loading dock door was big enough). They have some amazing back drops constructed permanently in studio as well as tons of empty space with some beautiful concrete floors and wall. As you can see in these images the colors in the space are bold and fantastic. A great make-up/wardrobe room, client lounge, full kitchen facilities and a great space for catering and eating with clients and crew.

One the best things about my business is that I get to work with some of the most insanely talented athletes, models, actors, stuntmen, etc… in the business. We cast from several different agencies around the country (depending on where we are shooting) and this case these gals and guys came to us from Sports and Lifestyle Unlimited. We had four talent on this shoot from SLU. Theon Holland, Francis Brower, Zachary Staben and Melanie Boykin (not pictured on this post, check our May 22nd post for Melanie).

As I am writing this, on July 22nd, 2020 Covid – 19 is still raging around the country and and in particular my home state of California where we shoot a great deal of our work. The state is largely shut down again and of course the fitness industry has been hit extremely hard. While right now we can’t get into our usual gyms and studios to shoot we are working, shooting personal work and shooting for clients outside on location. It’s definitely a great time to shoot outside and promote you brand. On all of our photoshoots we adhere to strict Covid -19 protocols.
Robert Randall Productions specializes in location fitness photography and film throughout the US, Mexico and Europe. Let us create beautiful brand specific imagery for your brand in stunning locations, safely.
Give us a call at (310) 736 – 0506 or email