Category: Fitness Photographers


Fitness Photo Shoot in Death Valley, CA – Dune Runner

This image was photographed out in Death Valley awhile back.  Kimber is a friend, fitness model and long time collaborator.  We had been discussing the concept for awhile and then just decided to drive out to the desert to see what we could come up with. 3 1/2 hour drive from San Diego to Death Valley, shot for two hours until the sun came down and the 3 1/2 hour drive back.  Worth every minute!!



Fitness Photo Shoot in San Diego, CA – Butterfly Pull-Ups

Awhile back I worked with Ashley and Josh for a series of training images for their personal portfolios.  Both of them were in amazing shape and came to the shoot ready to kick some ass.  I had them working out almost constantly during the 5 hour session.  Here is a shot of Ashley doing Butterfly Pull-Ups. She did this many times until we got the right shot.  Amazing day!
